Hemorrhoids can be a real painful experience in life. These swollen veins can become itchy and irritating which over time can drive you nuts. While your first objective would be to get immediate relief it is imperative also that you start to understand what is causing them.
If your hemorrhoids rupture and start to bleed heavily you should go seek the advice of a medical professional. When hemorrhoids occur avoid any stress or strain. This would also include making changes to your diet so that you do not have difficulty when trying to pass stools.
Avoid spicy foods and drink plenty of water. Think of it this way its time to clean your body out. Something is obviously wrong and to overcome this problem long term you will need to address this issue in a more holistic manner. This of course means making changes to your diet. I know that eating habits can be hard to break and many people succeed at this over the short term when trying to overcome a given condition but as soon as it is cured the old habits come right back.
This of course then leads to a re-occurrence of any condition in the future. I think you would agree that your health is extremely important. It will always be a productive use of your time if you set out to improve your health and it also makes you proactive in preventing conditions.
To conclude ingest more fiber, drink more water, get some exercise once it has healed, eat more fresh food and take herbal supplements along with diet to further improve the health of your veins.